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Adult Students

Class Procedures

1. WARM-UPS - Enter the classroom and begin working on your warm-up activity. The warm-up activities will take the first 5-10 minutes of class.  Warm-ups are graded weekly, when absent you are responsible for making it up.   

2. CLASS PARTICIPATION - Students are expected to participate in class everyday. Please raise hand to speak; only questions relevant to material/lecture will be addressed

3. TESTING - All tests must be worked on independently unless otherwise instructed.  Students have 3 days to make-up test, it must be taken during IE, unless otherwise advised.

4. TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS/TESTS - Assignments should include your name, date, and block number.  Papers without a name will be thrown away.

5. GRADING - Grades should be posted within three school days.  Grades will be discussed after class or at teacher's discretion.  Students receiving a C or below should schedule an appointment with teacher to get extra help

6.  PASSES - Passes will only be given for restroom and nurse.  No pass for the first or last 10 minutes of class.  No passes will be given during instruction (this includes videos).


7. COMPUTERS - Please follow the rules posted in the AUP  -  For more information, see: King George County Schools Acceptable Technology Use Policy

8. â€˜TURN TO THE RIGHT’ - Our classroom is a computer lab. To eliminate distractions and ensure adequate work space, students will turn the monitors to the right when instructed to do so.

9. MAKE-UP WORK â€“ Only students with EXCUSED absences will be allowed to turn in any missed work within three days after he/she return.  Any missed work can be picked up from the missing work folder handing on the wall.  For prolonged absences, student will need to enter into an assignment contract with the teacher.  

10. FOOD AND DRINKS â€“ NO food allowed in the classroom and drinks must be sealed containers and must be stored below the computer.  Students not following these rules will be instructed to throw away food and drinks

12. HEADPHONES/CELLPHONES - These items should not be seen/heard during class unless permitted by the teacher. Headphones are not jewelry—if either item is seen, it will be confiscated and guidelines in student handbook will be followed.

13. TARDY - The door will be closed when the class bell rings, any late student will be required to see hall monitor for a late pass.

14. SUPPLIES - You are responsible for bringing a pencil, pen, and paper to class every day.

15. WORKING IN GROUPS â€“ The teacher will assign groups.  Each student must contribute to the group.  Grades may be adjusted for lack of participation

16. PORTFOLIO BINDER - You are required to keep a binder for this class. The binder will be graded and all course work must be kept. Personal finance requires organization, so your binder allows you to practice this vital skill.


17. FINISHING WORK EARLY â€“ Check PowerSchool to make sure that all your assignments are complete. You may do other class work as long as you are not disturbing other students.

18. ASSEMBLY/ABBREVIATED DAY â€“ Normal class procedures are enforced.  Students more than five minutes late will need a pass to enter the class

19. CHEATING - Any student caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment, parents will be notified, and a referral will be written up.  Giving your assignment to someone else to copy/look at is considered cheating and will receive the same punishment as above.

20. LATE WORK â€“ Students will be docked for each day an assignment is late. Teacher will no longer accept work after 3 days. It is the students’ responsibility to get the missing work and turn it in

Class Procedures: News & Resources
Teenage Students Raising Hands
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